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標題: The primary reason for this has been a direct result of both [打印本頁]

作者: mr267865@gmail.    時間: 2024-2-25 12:15
標題: The primary reason for this has been a direct result of both
This image size is fairly interchangeable between all available placements; however, in recent months, the is pretty much becoming a secondary option for many advertisers as Facebook has begun to favor the square image within Facebook and Instagram placements. Why? That square image takes up a lot more real estate on a mobile user’s screen. With that being said, in my experience, the 1200 x 628 pixel image size still converts well so it doesn’t appear that the lack of vertical space is hindering the performance of these image sizes too much.

Disadvantages: Less vertical space taken up on mobile placements. The dimensions Egypt Phone Number List for the 1200 x 628 ad image was originally constructed for the desktop News Feed and to be able to be easily transferred to subsequently smaller placements thereafter. So, for example, you would have a 1200 x 628 pixel image for the desktop News Feed and Facebook would be able to scale that image down efficiently to appear in the desktop right column and mobile News Feeds accordingly.


Available Placements:Facebook News FeedFacebook Instant ArticlesFacebook In-Stream VideosFacebook MarketplaceFacebook StoriesInstagram FeedInstagram StoriesSquare: pixelsAdvantages: As previously mentioned, Facebook encourages advertisers to begin to use these larger square ads. The primary reason for this has been a direct result of both the boom in Instagram usage and the far greater volume of users on mobile for both platforms.

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