communication Chrome for browsing the Internet Forthose of you who want to develop a new mobile app, I can’t say I recommendbuilding something that competes with one of these top apps. There is nothingwrong with shooting for the stars. You can still build a mobile commerce appfor your business and have plenty of success. But it would be an uphill battle,to say the least, if you wanted your app to be the next Amazon. Can you buildan app with GPS map services? Sure. But will it surpass Google Maps? Probablynot. Apple and Android Global Spending As we’ve seen, there are clearly somedownload and usage differences between iOS and Android app development. Why?Well, the users aren’t the same.,
you’ll learn that they behave differently. Forstarters, let’s look at the way consumers spend money using their devices.Here’s the latest data from Q3 2021: Google Play Store Gross App Revenue: $12.1billion Apple App Store Gross App Japan WhatsApp Number List Revenue: $21.5 billion These numbersrepresent spending from paid app downloads, subscriptions, and in-apppurchases. Even with a smaller mobile app market share, Apple users still spendmore money. Apple users dominate app spending, at nearly double the rate ofAndroid users. While your app should be appealing to all users, you’ll havebetter luck getting iOS app users to buy premium upgrades and other in-apppurchases. Mobile App Usage by Age Technology usage varies by generation.Mobile app usage is no
exception. average monthly hours per mobile app userby age You probably assumed that younger generations spend more time usingmobile apps than people who are older. If so, that assumption was correct.However, that doesn’t mean you can’t target other age groups. As you can seefrom the graph, people between the ages of 45-54 spend about 1 hour and 15minutes per day using mobile apps. That’s just 27 minutes less than people inthe 25-34 age range. Even mobile users over the age of 65 spend close to anhour mobile apps every day. Mobile App Usage by Device Not all mobile usage iscreated equally. In addition to the differences between operating systems, theusage will also vary by the type of mobile device that people use. SmartphoneApp